Class | Description |
AbcExporter |
This class is used to export an ABC file using the midi2abc executable (belongs to abcMIDI).
AldaExporter |
This class is used to export the currently loaded MIDI sequence as an ALDA source file.
AudioExporter |
This class is used to export the currently loaded MIDI sequence as an audio file.
ConfirmDialog |
This class provides a confirm dialog implementing the same look and feel as the other components.
Decompiler |
This is the base class of all decompiling exporters, translating MIDI into something else.
Exporter |
This class can be extended by exporter classes which write a music file based on a MIDI sequence.
LilypondExporter |
This class is used to export a LilyPond file using the midi2ly executable (belongs to LilyPond).
MidicaPLExporter |
This class is used to export the currently loaded MIDI sequence as a MidicaPL source file.
MidiExporter |
This class is used to export the currently loaded MIDI sequence as a MIDI file.
MusescoreExporter |
This class is used to export a file from MIDI to something else using MuseScore.
Slice |
This class is used by the MidicaPlExporter to store a sequence slice.
Exception | Description |
ExportException |
This class is used for exceptions that can occur during a file export process.